
Originally born as a railroad town encampment named Prescott Junction, Seligman was officially named in 1886 after Jesse Seligman, a railroad financier. After the decline and eventual delisting of the Route 66 from the United States Highway System in 1985, Angel Delgadillo (of Seligman) went on to found the Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona. Thus earning himself many nicknames including “the Guardian Angel of Route 66”. Eventually Route 66 associations were founded in all eight US 66 states with similar goal: preserving the once-important road.


Westside Lilos Cafe – 10% off all meal or free Lilo’s Rt 66 pin. This stop is also a FREE RAFFLE STOP with Route 66 Bike Week wristband.

Route 66 RoadRunner – This stop is a FREE RAFFLE STOP with Route 66 Bike Week wristband.

Roadkill Cafe – 10% off all food purchases with Route 66 Bike Week wristband.

Route 66 General Store – This stop is a FREE RAFFLE STOP with Route 66 Bike Week wristband.

Historic Route 66 Motel – Lodging

Black Cat Bar – This is a FREE RAFFLE STOP. Corn Hole Tournament Saturday, April 30. Entry fee $10.00 per team. Live music Friday & Saturday nights.